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3-15-22. Flicker on eye on left on right side of iris closest to nose. Happens at about 6 secs into video.

5-12-22. Flicker on eye on left on right side of iris closest to nose. Happens at about 8 secs into video.

5-12-22. Flicker on eye on right (my left) on left side of iris closest to nose. Happens at about 5 secs into video.

5-12-22. Flicker on eye on right (my left) on left side of iris closest to nose. Happens at about 5 secs into video.

5-22-22. Flicker in lens on my right eye (top) and left eye (bottom). Look at inner iris closest to nose. Direct videos, not reflection in mirror.

5-22-22. Flicker hard to see with no light coming in at angle into eye.

What my pulsating peripheral vision looks like. I see it more on my left side.

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